Treating arthritis with proper nutrition


 Some believe that arthritis affects the elderly, but in fact, it affects the individual in various stages of life, including childhood, and like other health problems accompanied by a painful feeling in the area of ​​injury in addition to stiffness and swelling and a decrease in the ability to move it, but diagnosing the situation and determining the appropriate treatment will reduce Feeling these symptoms, in addition to exercising properly, giving up bad life habits, and improving some daily eating habits, therefore it can be said here that there is an important role in treating arthritis with proper nutrition and the next few lines will detail this.

Types of arthritis

 Arthritis can be divided into several types, each according to its cause, but it is accompanied by a set of symptoms that appear evident to help diagnose each case, and the following are mentioned three types:

 Degenerative arthritis: This type affects both the knees, hip, lower back, neck, and hands, and is considered the most common and affects an individual after the age of forty.
Rheumatoid arthritis: It affects small joints in the body, such as the joints of the wrists, fingers, and hands, and usually affects an individual between the ages of thirty and fifty.
Youthful arthritis: affects children under the age of 18, and affects the ankles, knees, wrists, hip, neck, jaw and shoulders.

Treating arthritis with proper nutrition

The specialist doctor must prescribe the appropriate medicine for each health problem, which must be taken regularly in addition to obtaining some food items that may contribute to the treatment plan and stop eating others. Here, the treatment of arthritis with proper nutrition is considered by applying some tips related to a diet that is characterized by containing Anti-inflammatory foods away from items that may make it worse, including the following:

  •  Eating omega-3 sources helps reduce the chances of infection by getting it by eating fish like salmon and beef, as well as flaxseeds, chia seeds, and nuts.
  •  Access to sulfur sources, the most famous of which are onions, garlic, asparagus, and cabbage, is important. They act as an analgesic by reducing the nerve impulses that transmit pain and thus reducing the effect of its symptoms.
  •  Bone broth contains collagen, which provides amino acids that help to rebuild tissues, and also contains compounds that help reduce the pain associated with it.
  •  Fruits and vegetables can be eaten as they provide digestive enzymes and anti-inflammatory compounds. One of the best examples is papaya and pineapple, the first extracts of which have anti-inflammatory properties, and the second contains bromelain, which is considered a catalyst to relieve pain and as an anti-inflammatory.
  • Excess sugar should be avoided as it increases the risk of infections, especially processed sugars.
  • Eating hydrogenated oils and trans fats is undesirable, and this requires giving up eating fried foods, junk food, ghee, and added cream for coffee.
  •  It is better to reduce the consumption of omega-6 oils, such as soybean oil, corn oil, and canola oil, as it increases the risk of infections and reduces the chances of balance between omega-3 and omega-6.
  •  The consumption of cereals grown with fertilizers, growth hormones, etc., and cereals containing gluten, should be abandoned as it increases inflammation and may aggravate its symptoms.
  • Artificial sweeteners should be avoided due to their bad impact on the body and in particular their association with infection. It is preferable to avoid their different types, especially those containing aspartame.
  • Consumption of monosodium glutamate is bad because it is a food additive chemical that has a negative effect associated with chronic infections and also affects the health of the liver.

Tips to treat arthritis

 The main goal of treating arthritis is to control pain and reduce the damage that may be caused to it such as damage. On the other hand, it aims to improve the quality of life and help maintain it. From the tips that help treat arthritis, the following is mentioned:

  •  Having a healthy, balanced diet along with exercising and quitting smoking and alcohol help to maintain health.
  • Avoid getting tomatoes for their solanine content, which is a chemical associated with arthritis pain. Maintain daily physical activities and maintain a healthy weight.
  •  Regular check-ups and regular visits to the doctor to follow up on this type of inflammation after tracking symptoms and levels of pain and attention to possible side effects from taking some medications prescribed by the doctor.
  •  Avoid daily stress, which may negatively affect inflammation, as well as a permanent attempt to manage pain and how to deal with it every time.
  •  Balancing activity and rest, each of which may have a negative impact if it increases or less than the permissible level that affects the feeling of pain and thus the effect on inflammation.
  • Choose whole plant foods that are high in antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties.
  •  The improvement in daily sleep quality is related to exacerbation of pain, and this can be achieved by reducing the consumption of caffeine sources and exercising in the evening.
  •  Practicing some physical treatments such as physical therapy, warm water therapy and occupational therapy. Using some home recipes Some consult a doctor because it is a way to help treat arthritis, the most famous of which are some herbs and spices, such as turmeric, garlic, ginger, black pepper, and green tea.

Important food items for arthritis

 Some food items have properties that enable them to reduce inflammation and the pain associated with it, and can be easily added to the daily diet to obtain its various benefits, including its positive effect on arthritis, and the following are mentioned:

  •  Fatty fish: It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, for example, salmon, sardines, and others.
  • Garlic: It has properties that reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and dementia in addition to its anti-inflammatory effect that reduces its symptoms.
  •  Ginger: Its use helps relieve its symptoms, whether it is fresh, crushed or dried. Broccoli: Provides sulforaphane, which has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Walnut: What makes it special is its omega-3 fatty acid that helps relieve its symptoms.
  • Raspberry: It contains important plant compounds in addition to its antioxidant properties and some vitamins and minerals. As for the role of inflammation, it is to reduce it and its signs.
  •  Spinach: helps to reduce it and thus combat it, due to its antioxidant content and important plant compounds.
  •  Grapes: It has anti-inflammatory properties along with compounds that may help reduce it. On the other hand, it is rich in antioxidants.
  • Olive oil: reduces the risk of developing and developing it in some cases, as well as alleviating its symptoms. Sour cherry juice: helps reduce it and its symptoms.

Source :

↑ All About Arthritis, ,, Retrieved in 9-2-2019, Edited ↑ The Arthritis Diet & Supplementation Plan, , "", Retrieved in 9-2-2019, Edited ↑ What are the causes and types of arthritis?, ,, Retrieved in 9-2-2019, Edited ↑ The 10 Best Foods to Eat If You Have Arthritis, ,, Retrieved in 10-2-2019, Edited

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