High blood pressure in women: causes and methods of prevention

Women develop high blood pressure due to several hormone related causes, in addition to some health problems that can cause high blood pressure.

High blood pressure in women: causes and methods of prevention
High blood pressure is a common health problem in men and women, and it is a chronic disease that affects cardiovascular health and many other organs in the body.

High blood pressure can affect a woman's health significantly, and therefore attention should be paid to monitoring blood pressure at different stages of life, as there are many causes associated with hormonal changes, which cause high blood pressure in women.

Here are the most common causes that lead to high blood pressure in women.

1- Menopause

As a result of low estrogen levels, the chances of developing high blood pressure in a woman during menopause increase.

When disorders occur in the female hormone, women can develop many health problems, including high blood pressure.

2- Having diabetes

Diabetes increases the risk of many other diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure.

Thus, a woman's diabetes may affect the blood pressure in the body, and cause high blood pressure.

3- Birth control pills

The risk of developing high blood pressure as a result of taking the contraceptive pill increases, especially if the woman is overweight or has had high blood pressure during pregnancy, or with a family history of high blood pressure.

This is because birth control pills affect hormone levels in the body, and therefore you should consult your doctor to choose the appropriate contraceptive method, and he should be informed of any previous health problems or family history of some diseases so that he can determine the contraceptive method that does not harm the body.

4- Pregnancy period

Some women develop a condition called "gestational hypertension", which is a form of secondary hypertension resulting from pregnancy, and usually disappears after birth.

But the mother must obtain the necessary treatment for this problem so that it does not pose a risk to her health and the health of the fetus, and blood pressure should be monitored during childbirth to avoid complications from this problem.

5- Smoking

Smoking causes many serious health problems in the body, including diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure.

Therefore, women must avoid this bad habit, and also avoid being in smokers' places because passive smoking poses a great risk to health.

6- Obesity injury

Excessive weight gain is one of the reasons that lead to many diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases caused by clogged arteries, as well as high blood pressure.

Women must maintain their weight and avoid unhealthy foods that lead to obesity, and should exercise regular daily exercise.

7- Drink more caffeine

Many women are keen to drink caffeine-rich drinks that help in waking up and modifying moods, but at the same time cause increased adrenaline secretion that leads to high blood pressure.

It is preferable not to consume caffeine-rich drinks so as not to cause harm to health, including high blood pressure.

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