Home remedies to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes


Wrinkles are folds that appear on the skin with age, often begin to appear as a result of facial expressions, and are a natural development that a person must go through during his life in which the skin loses its elasticity and decreases its thickness, and wrinkles appear significantly in areas exposed to sunlight, which may suffer From dryness such as the face, under the eyes and hands, as the ultraviolet rays in the sunlight reduce collagen and elastin fibers, the genetic factor is an important factor that interferes with the appearance of wrinkles and where they appear. Wrinkles can be treated with several options, including filler, botox, and laser. Home care to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes and in the face, and this will be taken later.

Home remedies to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes

The natural methods of treating skin problems and the safest methods, and from this standpoint it was important to search for home remedies to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes that are ways to treat facial wrinkles in general, and that eye wrinkles are part of it, and among the best recipes used in the treatment:

  • Aloe Vera: Applying gel of this type of aloe vera is a qualitative and reliable treatment in reducing wrinkles, and also helps to increase the percentage of water in the skin, which improves its moisture, and eating aloe vera gel products reduces the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Banana Mask: Bananas are distinguished by containing oils and vitamins that help in maintaining the health of the skin, as a quarter of a grain of banana is crushed, then applied to the face and under the eyes for a quarter of an hour, then rinsed.
  • Superfoods: This term represents a group of foods that promote health and delay the appearance of wrinkles because they contain a large amount of nutrients. Artichoke comes at the forefront of these foods, avocados and cinnamon. Oatmeal is one of the best foods for these minerals.
  • Egg white: egg white increases the effectiveness of collagen and makes the skin more smooth, and helps reduce the depth of wrinkles, so it is a good option for treating facial wrinkles and under the eyes, but it should be avoided in the event of an egg allergy.
  • Essential oils: Applying small amounts of some oils such as argan oil, pomegranate and rosemary help reduce wrinkles. These oils should be diluted with a carrier oil to avoid an allergic reaction, and eating olive oil helps protect the skin from the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Topical Vitamin C: Vitamin C is extracted by making a mask applied to the skin from fruits rich in this vitamin, such as guava and turnip, as this vitamin is characterized by its anti-oxidant properties, which helps in treating wrinkles and alleviating skin problems, by reducing inflammation and increasing skin moisture.
  • Milk: The milk contains probiotic supporting the health of the skin, as it helps to resist sun damage, and clearly contributes to reducing wrinkles, so it was chosen as one of a series of home remedies to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes.
  • Massage: Facial massages by massaging devices prevent the appearance of wrinkles, by increasing the proteins that keep the skin smooth, and that is by massaging the face and the area under the eyes in a circular way every day for three minutes.

Preventing the appearance of wrinkles under the eyes

After providing home remedies to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes, it is important to follow methods that contribute to protecting the skin from aging and wrinkles, especially in people with light skin and who are exposed to sunlight continuously, and the prevention points are focused on:

Protect the skin from the sun's rays, by wearing a wide hat and sunglasses, use a sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 30, and repeat its application every two hours.

  • Using moisturizers on a continuous basis, to avoid dry skin that leads to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • stop smoking.
  • A healthy diet rich in vitamins, fruits and vegetables.

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