Methods of treating constipation at home


 Constipation occurs when the excretion is difficult, or when it recurs less than normal, and it is possible for any person to experience it at some time, and the problem of constipation is not serious, and the patient feels an improvement as soon as the body returns to its normal state, and the normal period between exits varies From one person to another, some individuals go out three times per day, some of them a few times during the week, and staying for more than three days without graduation is usually abnormal. After three days, the stool becomes more severe and difficult to get out, and methods of treating constipation differ between drugs and methods of treating constipation in Home.

Symptoms of constipation

 Among the main symptoms of constipation are increased difficulty in excretion and increased stress during the excretion process, and the exit of a stool less than usual can be considered a symptom of constipation, and also the following symptoms include:

  • Collywobbles.
  • Stomach cramps.
  • Feeling of bloating and nausea.
  • Anorexia.

Causes of constipation

The primary function of the colon is to absorb water from the remaining food as it passes through the digestive system, then it creates feces - litter - and the muscles of the colon push these litter into the rectum to get rid of them. Imbalance usually causes constipation, and eating enough water and high-fiber foods is necessary for stools to remain soft. Anxiety and change in routine and diseases that reduce the speed of colon muscle contractions cause constipation. The most common causes of constipation are the following:

  • A low-fiber diet, especially diets rich in meat, milk or cheese.
  • Drought.
  • Lack of exercise.
  • or any change in routine.
  • Some drugs such as: analgesics and high-calcium antacids.
  • Pregnancy.
  • There are some health problems that can cause constipation: some diseases, such as: stroke, tremor, and diabetes. Problems with the colon or rectum, such as: intestinal obstruction and irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Excessive or misuse of laxatives - drugs for softening stools -.
  • Hormonal problems include decreased thyroid activity.

Natural ways to treat constipation at home

There are a variety of different approaches that can be taken to treat constipation at home. These methods include the following:

  • Increase fiber intake: People with constipation should eat between 18 to 30 grams of fiber per day, and the most important sources are: fresh fruits and vegetables and fortified grains, which is absolutely necessary for the purpose of treating constipation at home.
  • Drinking water: One of the most important ways to treat constipation at home is to drink plenty of water, which helps moisturize the body.
  • Volumetric factors: softening stool and making it easier to release when adding it to the diet, for example wheat bran.
  • Regular exercise: Exercise increases the regularity of body processes, including stool.
  • Routine: Set aside a day to go to the bathroom.
  • Avoid reducing stool: responding to the body's desire to move out, reduces the effect of constipation, which is one of the most important ways to treat constipation at home.
  • Lifting the feet: Place the feet on a platform with the knees above the thighs during the removal, which contributes to less constipation.
Source :

^ B What Is Constipation? ,, "", Retrieved in 23-9-2018, Edited. ^ Ab bt What to know about constipation ,, "", Retrieved on 23-9-2018, Edited. ^ A b What Causes Constipation? ,, "", Retrieved in 23-9-2018, Edited. A Dr. Amal Haddad, "", Retrieved in 23-9-2018, Edited.

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